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A Naturally Healthy Heart

March 20, 2018

Naturally Healhty Heart

High Cholesterol, Over-Weight?

The Video Below Gives a Quick and Simple Explanation of WHY our Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health is Vital to Optimal Health, and How Functional Medicine Can Help:


Symptoms of Heart-Related Illness Include:

  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Insulin resistance (Inability to lose weight)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Excess belly fat

Atherosclerosis is the thickening and stiffening of arterial walls. Traditional medicine targets separate causes with drugs, such as statins for high cholesterol, blood thinners, or insulin. Although drugs may ease symptoms, the underlying causes are still present, preventing optimal health.

Functional Medicine's Research and Science is starting to Answer the How and Why Illness Occurs.  Natural Evidenced-Based Solutions are Available.

Functional medicine’s holistic approach includes a full evaluation of a patient’s lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies, and stress responses, as well as the results of Blood Chemistry Assessment.  The Bright Path approach combines mindfulness and stress reduction, functional nutrition and targeted nutrient therapy, and customized herbal formulas to detoxify the body from environmental & lifestyle toxins.

Partner with Bright Path on your Natural Journey to Heart Health. 

Bright Path Wellness Offers High Quality Cardiovascular Health Supplements and Functional Medicine Services